Thursday, August 6, 2009

And so it begins...

Hi guys,

The openhouse committee asked for a CCA website so I thought it was a good time to make one.So here it is!
Exclusively ours! :)
Hopefully this blog can serve both purposes-for announcements and for COOL,INTELLECTUAL,RANDOM,MOTIVATIONAL things! (So get the username and pwd from me asap and start posting! Btw,this invitation is open to all debaters EXCEPT NICHOLAS because if he starts posting, people are going to think we're from MARS!)

To those out there reading our blog,don't be fooled by our blog address or the blog title.We are NOT antagonistic/stuck up or whatsoever. We're just maintaining our reputation as a true blue debates society! :)

For now,HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!Enjoy the long weekend! And remember to take the pledge at 8.08 on Sunday no matter where you are!


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