Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hello J1s!

Finally!Our blog has emerged from the graves.
Anyways,hello J1s its awesome to have all you people in debates,though we hope to get to know some of you even better.Hopefully an outing AFTER MARCH BLOCK TESTS!!! Blagh~

Anyways,here's the plan for this wed, 10 March 2010.
All of you need to attend Council elections. You guys NEED NOT COME FOR TRAINING AFTER THE ELECTIONS. EXCEPT the following 5 people; Vrinda,Huihong,Jieming,Annabelle and Sabestian who have been nominated to attend the MOE Debaters' Workshop. The 5 of you should have the details and know where/when to go. And Wei Han, you'll have to join the J2s for training at 2.30.

The rest of you lucky peeps enjoy early days without training and fret not! You're time will come too.

Hope you're all feeling the heat of JC. Muahahaha.

Hang in there!

~A true sceptic is one who is also sceptical about his own scepticism.

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